Update: This post was originally written on August 15, 2010 and was relocated to exist here in the GallantTeddy blog.
Hey everyone, welcome to a special edition post of “ERC.” I call this a special edition post because I tried out something new the other day and I was hoping that I could share it with you all. As you can see from the title, I decided to make a PlayStation 3 theme based on my favorite sports star Kobe Bryant.
I have always enjoyed changing up the style of my PlayStation 3 because I feel as though not that many people are aware of its full capabilities so I figure a theme is a nice way of showing a little piece of what the PS3 is capable of. Since I change my PS3 theme quite often, I visit BestPS3themes.com regularly because they have a nice collection of various different themes. However, many of those themes I also didn’t care for much, not necessarily because they were bad but just simply because they didn’t appeal to me.
Also, as far as I know I still have not seen a Kobe Bryant PS3 Theme anywhere out there so options were also limited. Anyways, to not make this any longer I decided to follow the tutorial that BestPS3themes.com has to offer, which might I add is fairly simple to use. In all honesty, this is my very first theme that I have created and it required a lot of work and a lot of my own personal time. However, I can’t help but feel a little proud of my efforts and I hope you enjoy the theme.
Please comment and let me know what you think about the theme.
Credit for the Kobe Bryant backgrounds belong to the following: NBA Croatia of NBA-Croatia.com, DJ Rom of www.djromconcept.com, Lufcias of DeviantArt.com, Marco Cuca of NBA-Croatia.com, Lakers.com, and Melo Man and Dirk Nowitzki41 of MixMembers.net Forum. Thank you guys for some really great backgrounds and I am sorry for removing your names from the images. I just felt as though they remove the attention off the images. But please let me know if more acknowledgement is needed.
To INSTALL the theme Follow One of Two Methods:
Method 1:
1. Log into the Internet Browser via the PS3.
2. Download the theme by CLICKING HERE.
Method 2:
1. Prepare a storage media such as a Memory Stick Duo or a USB device.
2. Create a folder named “PS3″ (without the quotes) on the storage media and create a subfolder named
“THEME” (must be all uppercase, again, without the quotes) within that folder.
3. Copy the theme (.p3t) to the “THEME” subfolder on the storage media.
4. Insert the storage media in the PS3 system.
5. In the XMB (Xross Media Bar), go to Settings > Theme Settings > Theme, and then select [Install].
6. Select the theme.
After installation has been completed, go to Settings > Theme Settings > Theme again, and then select the theme.
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